Mercopar 2024 –  October 15th to 18th, from 1pm to 8pm.



Innovation Adoption in the Processes of Traditional Businesses – DB and SICT

Arena: Mercopar Innovation
Time: 16:00 - 17:00


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This lecture will explore the importance of adopting innovation in the context of traditional businesses, demystifying the challenges of innovating in their operations. Many organizations deeply rooted in conventional methods and practices face significant challenges as the business world rapidly evolves. In this talk, we will examine the reasons why innovation is crucial and, in a way, straightforward for the survival and sustainable growth of these companies, and how it can be successfully integrated into their operations.

Programming Grid

4:00 PM Tatiana Ximenes; Simone Stülp SebraeX Stage


Tatiana Ximenes

Tatiana Ximenes

As the Manager of Connections and Ecosystem at DBServer and the coordinating professor of the IT course at Fundatec, I specialize in the day-to-day. I've always felt capable of making the necessary connections to stimulate my creativity in solving unexpected problems that weren't part of the plan. Years of experience in communication have led me to identify people with whom I can establish genuine connections, and I've learned to combine them into strategic contacts that can bring various solutions by connecting products, companies, and the market. I'm aware of my proactivity, and I see myself as a bridge builder, blending diverse skills into a systemic vision of the future with practical actions in the present. What's most important for all of this to work is that I'm restless, curious, and constantly in a state of improvement.

Simone Stülp

Simone Stülp

She holds a degree in Industrial Chemistry from the Federal University of Santa Maria (1996), a master's and a doctorate in Materials Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2002). Currently, she serves as the Secretary of Innovation, Science, and Technology of the State of Rio Grande do Sul - SICT/RS. She is a full professor at the University of Vale do Taquari - Univates. She has experience in university management and served as the Vice-Rector for Research, Extension, and Postgraduate Studies at Univates (2005-2008), primarily focused on research and technological innovation. She also worked as the Director of Innovation and Sustainability at Univates, Administrative Director, and Scientific Coordinator of the Technological Science Park of Vale do Taquari - TECNOVATES. Additionally, she served as the President of the Superior Council of the Foundation for the Support of Research in Rio Grande do Sul - Fapergs (2016-2020), and she is currently a member of this council. She was also the Administrative and Financial Director of Reginp - Gaúcha Network of Innovation Environments (2018-2019), worked in the Innovation Directorate of the Commercial and Industrial Association of Lajeado - ACIL, and is the Vice-President of the Brazilian Society of Electrochemistry and Electroanalysis.

Other Lectures

Transmitido Conscious practices and ESG
17 October, 2023

Conscious practices and ESG

Aligning profit and purpose is the practice of integrating financial objectives with social and environmental impact goals, aiming for a sustainable balance.

Arena: Mercopar Innovation
Time: 17:15 - 18:15

Transmitido The importance of ESG in business decision-making
17 October, 2023

The importance of ESG in business decision-making

The concept of ESG is no longer exclusive to large corporations. Small businesses are also recognizing the growing importance of these practices and principles in their operations. ESG is not just a passing trend but an essential approach for long-term sustainable success. Ready to understand how, as an entrepreneur, you can be part of this change?

Event open to the public.

Arena: Mercopar Innovation
Time: 18:30 - 19:15


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